Although the constitutional agreement is seen as an advance, its margins restrict the framework of possible reforms, both due to the established constitutional principles and the agreed mechanism. Additionally, the ruling party does not have the necessary parliamentary majorities to carry out the pension and tax reform proposals on its own. The new generation of the left that saw in the social outbreak of 2019 the opportunity to overcome the limitations in social justice and political inclusion that their predecessors had not been able or wanted to change is facing an adverse scenario, where the economic crisis and public security have relegated political change in the background in the list of priorities of the citizenry.
Constituent process 2.0 The rejection of the proposal for south africa phone number list Constitution in the plebiscite on September 4, 2022 was a warning to the government of Gabriel Boric. The conditions that motivated the social outbreak of 2019 and its political channeling through a democratic constituent process are related to demands for greater social protection and inclusion embodied in the government program of the I Approve Dignity coalition (Broad Front and Communist Party). The maintenance of the institutional " locks " of the 1980 Constitution and the start of new negotiationsfrom scratch to be able to modify it impose concrete obstacles to the development of policies to advance in social justice and reduction of inequality.
On the other hand, the constitutional plebiscite measured not only the support for the proposed new Constitution, but also for the government , whose popularity had been declining. Several factors influenced the rejection of the text of the new Constitution : the vote to punish the Constitutional Convention, perceived as a new elite; the sometimes intemperate tone of the debate; the discrediting of the constituent body fueled by its fragmentation and various scandals; the underrepresentation of the right in the conclave, which did not reflect its presence in society; the fear of change and an eventual weakening of property rights or traditions in the new institutional setting, a discourse amplified by a communication campaign that included not a few fake news.